Nova Medical Lightweight Folding Cruiser II Walker Hybrid - Blue
Nova Medical Products
Rollators, commonly known as rolling walkers, are the perfect mobility aid for those looking to get around with ease while maintaining your independence. Rollators are available in 3-wheel and 4-wheel options to aide those struggling with being mobile. Most 4-wheel rollators come with a seat to take short breaks whiel on the go. Rollators are the preferred upgrade to you standard walker as they can accomodate a variety of situations including many different types of terrain.
3-Wheel Rollators tend to weigh less, are easier to transport, and are ideal for those have very good stability already but need a little assistance. 3 wheel rollators do NOT come with a seat as they are not stable enough to accommodate someone sitting down on it.
4-Wheel Rollators are slightly larger than the 3-wheel alternative however have much more of a variety of options including seats, seat widths, larger wheels, backrests, larger height adjustments and more. Some 4-Wheel Rollators are also available with forearm platforms to assist in posture correction as well as hybrid rollators which are 2-in-1 rollator transport chairs.
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Product type
Airline approved
Overall open width
Wheel size
User height range
Total weight capacity
• Antimicrobial Product Protection
• For users from 4'11" to 6'4 tall
• Supports up to 300 lbs
• Rollator weighs just 17 lbs
• 17.5” width between handles
• Large Storage Back For Shopping
• Handle Height 32.5"-37.5"
• Supports up to 300 lbs
• Folding Lightweight weighs 12.7 lbs
• Width inside back legs 21.5"
• Great All-Terrain Compact Walker
• For users from 5'4" to 6'1" tall
• Supports up to 300 lbs
• Rollator weighs just 17.6 lbs
• Seat Dimensions: 18"w X 9"d
With the Rollz Motion you always have the right mobility aid at hand: a modern rollator walker when you feel like walking and a wheelchair when you need to rest but want to keep going. This way you will still be able to take part in all activities, even when you have reached your walking limit. Simply unfold the wheelchair package, attach the footrests, and turn the handles around. Once you are rested, transform it back and use it as a rollator walker again.
Whether it’s at your front door, inside of your garage, or on your back deck, chances are every part of your home is not on the same level. If you’re looking to reduce the risk of tripping and make it easier for mobility device users and shuffle steppers to move through your home’s doorways, threshold ramps are a perfect solution!
Upgrade your Rolling Walkers with any of these accessories including cup holders, cane holders, seat cushions, seat covers, baskets, storage bags, trays and much more!