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Sock Aids & Dressing Kits
The Perfect Home Fall Prevention Kit
The Home Modification Kit is a comprehensive fall-prevention and mobility solution to stay safe and mobile in your home. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on home renovation, this combination package includes 5 products to prevent falls in high-risk areas of your home:
- Tension Mounted Grab Bar to help them stand from the toilet and transfer in-and-out of the shower
-The Chair Handle & Swivel Tray to stand from the couch
- The Extendable Bedrail to stand from bed and prevent nighttime falls
- The Auto Grab Bar to stand from the car
- The Standing Handle to make standing and transferring easy.
Standing Aids
We have hand selected a variety of products to assist you from a sitting position to get back up on your feet with ease. Whether you are on a sofa, recliner, dining room chair or even a massage chair, each product functions to assist you in getting up to prevent falls and add some stability while you transition to a standing position.
Stander Handy Handle Portable Lift Assister with Foam Grips -
Stander Tray Table - Ergonomic Bamboo Swivel TV Laptop Tray - Safety Support Mobility Handle -
Vive Health Couch Stand Assist Bars - Height Adjustable -
Signature Life Independence Tray Table with 360 Degree Swivel -
Carex Uplift Premium Seat Assist Plus With Memory Foam - Chair Lift And Sofa Stand Assist - Up To 350lbs -
Carex Stand Assist Uplift Walking Cane with Secondary Flip Down Handle