Bathroom Safety and Bath Transfer Benches

Nearly 30% of individuals over 65 who fell in the bathroom were diagnosed with fractures. What's more, nearly 38% of adults who were 85 and older were hospitalized with injuries due to these types of falls. Bathroom falls remain one of the most dangerous risks for seniors, which makes bathroom safety paramount. This is particularly true in the bathtub. Skin care is essential, but the bathtub and shower areas can present significant risks for older individuals. Transfer benches, shower chairs and bathtub benches are ideal for people at risk of falling due to poor balance, fatigue or weakness. Bath transfer benches are also ideal for those recovering from hip fractures, injuries or strokes.

The Difference Between Shower Chairs and Transfer Benches

Transfer benches tend to be wider than shower chairs and straddle a bathtub's wall. These provide support for individuals as they enter and leave the bathtub. Although shower chairs allow users to remain seated while showering or bathing, they do not provide the same support as transfer benches.

Multiple Manufacturers, Features and Cost Options has a variety of transfer benches, shower and bath chairs and other bathroom safety items to choose from, depending on your needs. These products are made from non-corrosive materials that will provide users with the necessary support needed for many years, if necessary. Padded seats are available on some models for comfort and sliding mechanism features, such as the DMI® Sliding Bariatric Transfer Shower Bench, providing additional ease for those in wheelchairs or who need better assistance. Shop here for top tub bench and shower chair manufacturers, including Medline, Nova Medical, Drive Medical, and many others! Our Customer Care Experts are on-hand and available seven days a week if help is needed to find the right tub or shower transfer bench that's right for you at a price you can afford.