Handheld Video Magnifiers

13 products

For individuals experiencing low vision, clarity issues don't just affect how and what you read. They further influence how you take in the world around you - from pictures and photographs to videos. Using digital technology and featuring a portable, lightweight design, handheld electronic magnifiers assist the user with easy functional control. Devices offer a variety of different features, including complete magnification control, speech to text, voice playback, high-definition color, recordings and much more. Speak to a Senior.com specialist today to find the right one for you.

How Handheld Digital Magnifiers Work

In general, video magnifiers are an assistive device for those living with low vision, allowing for improved clarity of both text and photos. Unlike traditional magnifiers, each incorporates a camera and screen that enhances the quality, clarity and contrast of what you wish to view. Handheld devices place these technologies in a smaller, more convenient and portable package you can take with you - from reading books, magazines and labels wherever you are to scanning maps, menus and bus schedules.

In all cases, these digital handheld magnifiers:

  • Are lightweight and built for use on the go and can fit into a small bag or purse.
  • Provide a high level of detail captured through the screen, no matter if you're looking at text or video.
  • Can be adjusted to your environment, including light, contrast and background colors.
  • Are equipped with additional assistive capabilities, including text-to-speech, recording and playback functionality.

Learn More About Handheld Magnifiers for Low Vision

Explore how digital technologies enhance magnification and help you take in your surrounding environment. Browse Senior.com's offerings, or contact our customer care specialists with your questions.